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7 Tips to Get Rid of Enzyme Deficiency

Staying on top of your enzyme levels as you get older is one of the more important things you can do to ensure the best quality of life for you going forward. As we age our enzyme levels can reduce and with that comes many unwanted digestive health issues like gas, bloating, upset stomach, acid reflux and abdominal cramps. To get rid of an enzyme deficiency you can follow seven easy steps that will make digestion and eating food enjoyable once more.

1) Enzyme supplementation: Digestive enzymes. We’re betting you’ve heard of them, have a vague idea that they’re good, and wonder if you should be taking them. But this is one area where we also see a lot of confusion. Supplementation of any sort without knowing what or why you’re doing what you’re doing can be just as detrimental to your health as doing nothing at all. So before you stock up on papain and bromelain

2) Body Ecology Principle of Food Combining: Pair non-starchy vegetables and ocean vegetables with protein. Non-starchy vegetables and ocean vegetables do not require a strong alkaline nor a strong acidic condition to digest properly. This is a good way of making sure your body is getting foods in its system that will help with nutrition and digestion.

3) Try the Body Ecology Principle of 80/20: Leave a little room in the stomach (about 20%) for digestive enzymes to do their job. The 80/20 principle is one that can be used for many things in life but when it comes to digestive health it can be something that leaves you feeling healthier as well.

4) Drink water alone: Because water can dilute your digestive enzymes, drink room-temperature water between meals. Water is the most important thing to humans in the world. Making sure your meals are accompanied with water more and more is crucial for better digestive health.

5) Drink ginger tea: Research has found that ginger root has the ability to stimulate brush border enzymes and increase the activity of pancreatic enzymes. Drink ginger tea after meals or before bed for the best results. Tea is also an antioxidant which will have benefits on other parts of your system.

6) Cook and prepare foods with coconut oil: Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides, which are directly absorbed. Coconut oil can stimulate the enzyme lipase—making fats easier to digest. Coconut oil also helps with bacteria that has no business of being in our bodies and can cause many problems with our immune system.

7) Make cultured vegetables a part of every meal: Cultured vegetables are naturally brimming with enzymes that enhance digestion. This is a bit more of a complicated tip but once you see the benefits of eating cultured vegetables, it’ll be difficult to deny them at your dinner table.

Besides all these tips, it’s important that you most of all find the right blend of digestive enzymes to deal with the myriad of foods of ingredients. Maintaining your digestive health and getting the most out of the foods you eat will be something that has a long term benefit on your life.

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